Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Goodbye Career Center! Hello Real World?

For the past 20 years I have been enrolled in a traditional academic setting, and (for now) my time as a “student” is coming to an end. It’s a pretty surreal feeling to think that I am finally embarking on the next chapter of my life, what many of my friends like to call “real life,” as if the past 23 years have just been practice, and to some degree they’re right. Reflecting on all my classes, projects, papers, extra-curricular activities, friendships, relationships,  internships, jobs, success and failures, there has been a lesson that I have been able to take away from each experience and apply it as I move forward to fulfilling my personal and professional goals.

My time as Graduate Assistant at The Hofstra Career Center certainly hasn’t been anything short of sensational, as I truly had an all-encompassing experience. Most importantly, I was challenged. Challenge, is such a key element to look for in a potential job or internship, it requires one to rise to the occasion, overcome projected potential abilities and helps to build experience required to move to the next level. At The Career Center, I was encouraged to take on additional responsibilities outside of the ones stated in the job description. Here I was able to gain valuable insights by observing and participating in counseling sessions, develop my public speaking skills by presenting workshops and gain experience with employer relations by assisting with job fairs and networking nights. Due to my work ethic, my supervisor was able to confidently nominate me for more involved tasks, such as supervising the volunteer program. All of my experience at The Hofstra Career Center has challenged me in all the best ways and has given me the experience I need to make the transition into a full-time professional setting.

A special thanks to my supervisor Suzanne Dagger and Fred Burke for their confidence in my abilities and unending support. I owe much thanks to the entire staff for my success throughout graduate school and I look forward to applying the knowledge I gained to my future endeavors.

Congratulations to the Class of 2012! We Made It!!


~Alison Charlebois, Graduate Assistant

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