Tuesday, March 12, 2013

LinkedIn LunchIn

We are excited to let you know that the LinkedIn New York office has selected Hofstra (from only a few NY schools) to be a part of the company’s “InDay” program efforts.  InDay happens once a month where members of the LinkedIn team are encouraged to explore new networks in the community. 

For Hofstra this means that on Friday March 15th LinkedIn employees will be on campus to conduct a workshop and answer questions from students about the importance of building a network and how LinkedIn can assist them in their efforts.  The event is open to all students--undergraduate, graduate, and law. 

LinkedIn LunchIn
Friday, March 15th
Plaza Rooms, Sondra and David S. Mack StudentCenter, North Campus

RSVP strongly encouraged on Pride-CMS, located under MyApps on the Hofstra Portal

Questions? Call The Career Center at (516) 463-6060.

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