Wednesday, March 12, 2014

9 Ways to be Less Annoying on LinkedIn

Do you have a LinkedIn page?  Is LinkedIn something that you have heard about, but have not looked into for yourself?  LinkedIn is the largest professional networking site out there.  It's a great tool to use in order to start branding yourself as a professional, even if you are still a student. LinkedIn allows you to list your work experience and accomplishments, join groups that correspond to your career interest, gain access to mentors in your field, and review interesting posts and articles.

However, as with anything there are good ways and not-so-good ways to use LinkedIn.  At its best, LinkedIn is an important career development and job search tool. It should not be used as a way to "collect" business connections that are never turned into valuable, beneficial and reciprocal relationships.

Read this great article on what NOT to do on LinkedIn. Need more help starting or building your own LinkedIn profile? Contact The Career Center! We can help you! 

Darlene Johnson, Senior Associate Director 

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