Welcome Back, Hofstra!
We hope you enjoyed your summer break and want to remind you that we are here to help you keep moving along your Path of Pride throughout the new school year!
Fall Kickoff Event 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014 from 11-1pm in the Mack Student Center
Come visit the Career Center staff as the Student center for your chance to grab free Starbucks, a pad-folio, and book an appointment on the spot to get your career goals going!
We have added new Quick Question hours!
Accounting, Finance and Information Technology Fall Career Fair
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 from 6-8pm
Come prepared and dressed to impress as you meet recruiters to learn about and apply to new internship, full-time, and part-time job opportunities!
Important Information for Accounting Majors!
Deloitte Office Hours
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 from 1-4pm at the Career Center
Accounting candidates seeking an internship in summer 2015 may schedule an appointment through PrideCMS to meet with a Deloitte representative on September 9 between the hours of 1-4 in The Career Center. Must be candidate for Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting or Master of Science in Accounting
with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Targeting students who are graduating in 2016 with their 150 hours and seeking an internship for the summer of 2015.

Calling all Accounting and Tax Majors interested in On- Campus Recruiting! You must attend one of the listed workshops in order to be eligible for the on-campus interview program that brings full-time and internship first-round interviews right to you! More information located here.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 at 11:30am, Career Center
Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 4pm, Career Center
Monday, September 15, 2014 at 2pm, Career Center
Friday, September 19, 2014 at 12pm, Career Center
Monday, September 22, 2014 at 3pm, Career Center
Grant Thornton Information Session
Thursday, September 11, 2014 from 3-4pm at the Career Center
Grant Thornton will be hosting a kickoff meeting for recruitment at Hofstra University. Students will have the opportunity to learn about firm culture, exciting changes within the New York cluster, and available internship and full-time positions.
Baker Tilly Information Session 

Thursday, September 18, 2014 from 4-5pm at the Career Center
The accounting firm of Baker Tilly will be holding an information session for Accounting and Tax students of any class year on Thursday, September 18 from 4:00-5:00 in The Career Center. Come hear about the internship and full-time opportunities that they have for Hofstra undergraduate and graduate students. Professional dress is recommended. Please bring a resume. Refreshments will be served.
Looking for information about different careers while building your professional network?
All you have to do is A.S.K.!
Get answers by using the Alumni Student Konnection, where you can communicate directly with Hofstra Alumni in a variety of fields to learn more about different careers and industries that interest you! Use this resource to build or add to your professional network and learn about ways to advance your career search!
To get started:
Log In to the Hofstra Portal at my.hofstra.edu
Click on “Hofstra Online”
Click on “A.S.K. Online - Alumni Student Konnection”
Search by Class Year, School, Major, or other keywords to Konnect with Alumni!
Looking for more information about the career search process?
Visit Candid Career!
Candid Career is a great resource for students, no matter where you stand on your Path of Pride. You can watch videos that show you what it’s like to work in a certain field, learn tips and tricks on interviewing, and more!

Use the hashtag #HireWithPride to follow all our career-related updates!
We have tons of great entries offering career advice, details regarding upcoming events and humor!
To access the Pride Career Management System simply log in to the portal and click on the Pride-CMS icon located under "my apps" to start taking advantage of countless internships, full- and part-time opportunities!
Career Center Quick Tip Videos on YouTube!
We understand how busy you are and as a result The Career Center has created various Quick Tip Videos for you to listen to and view from the comfort of your own computer!
Use the hashtag #HireWithPride to follow all our career-related updates!
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