Thursday, October 16, 2014


I know it is scary. I know you are dreading the reality of a job or internship search. I know you are afraid of rejection. I know you are worried that you will somehow make a mistake. I know it is MUCH easier to put this whole search off, semester after semester.  But then, BAM! You find out that the employer you have always dreamed of working for is looking to hire Hofstra students!  But oh no, you also just found out that the deadline is in two days, and you are crammed with school work, and all the other things that you do. 

So what do you do?
A) Throw together a resume using your roommate’s as a template. Hey, it landed them an internship.
B) Use the resume you had since high school and hope they don’t notice that you haven’t really updated it and also that you didn’t submit a cover letter.
C) Knock on The Career Center doors and windows at 10 p.m., hoping a career counselor is still there working.
D) Skip your mid-term to come to The Career Center for resume or cover letter assistance.
E) Easily apply, because you have been keeping your resume up to date, have gotten it critiqued at The Career Center and have worked with a career counselor on cover letter writing.

I think we all know what the answer should be – E. Procrastination is so easy, while preparation makes you work hard and face your fears.  I don’t know about you all, but I certainly would like to be able to easily apply for my dream job.  Oh, that’s right, I already did: #hofstracareercounselor .

Suzanne Dagger,
Director of Career Development
and Assessment

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