Friday, November 7, 2014

Passing On Tips I Learned...

Last night I went to a wonderful event offered by the New York State Society of CPAs. The event started with a panel of accounting and human resources professionals giving their tips and advice on many areas of job search, gained from their own experiences with students over the years. While the event was geared towards accounting students, the information shared by these professions is relevant for all students in any major.  Here are some of the points that were stressed the strongest:

  • Look for internships and mentoring programs to boost your resume, but also to reinforce you desire to be in your field of choice.
  • Communication skills are crucial!  That goes for non-verbal communication as well. Practice your handshake and maintaining eye contact during conversations.
  • Employers will only spend a few seconds reviewing your resume. Therefore, you need to be strategic on where you place the key information.  The most relevant experiences and skills should always be at the top of the resume.  Within your jobs, put the most relevant bullet points first.
  • Use an objective to let the reader know right away what type of position you are seeking. For example, are you looking for an internship or full-time job?
  • Cover letters are important!  Your cover letter is a writing sample for the employer.  Be sure it is free from any spelling or typographical errors!  (Same for the resume!)
  • Be prepared for your interviews.  Know the interviewer’s name beforehand.  Even look them up on LinkedIn! Give yourself ample extra time to get there; you never know what can happen!  Will you need to find a parking spot?  Also, bring a few resumes with you.  Look the part!  Dress professionally and neatly. 
  • Speaking of LinkedIn, if you don’t have a profile, create one!  If you do, make sure you have a picture that shows you at your professional best and be sure to add all work and educational experiences to your profile.
  • Give examples during your interview. Tell a story that illustrates the skill that you are trying to convey with your answer.
  • Always follow an interview with a thank-you email.  Again, this should be a professional email free of any errors.
  • Once in an internship or full-time job, take initiative! Ask your co-workers if they need any help with anything. Don’t wait to be asked. Read whatever you can read.  Volunteer for whatever you can volunteer for.  Take the any opportunity to meet your co-workers.

Of course, we at The Career Center have been saying these things all along!  Want more tips?  Make an appointment with a career counselor today!

Darlene Johnson,
Director of External Relations

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