Friday, October 28, 2016

Find meaning behind all of your experiences, whatever the season...

Halloween is upon us! What makes Halloween so special? Is it dressing in costume? The candy? The decorations? The crunch of leaves under your feet as you walk down the sidewalk?

Halloween has meaning in our lives because our past experiences have shaped how we view the holiday. Like the meanings we assign to Halloween, meaning can also be assigned to experiences that help shape our professional careers. Interactions, practices, successes, and sometimes failures in an internship or job setting create meaning in such experiences.

These meaningful pieces mentioned are very useful in developing professional skills that they are not only talking points in an interview, or in a resume/cover letter, but they also help in the development of a "seasoned professional”. These people are those that have had an extensive amount of time in their respective fields and know all of the ins and outs of their jobs. They have learned these unique skills through direct experiences that serve as a guide as they go about their role day after day.

What do your experiences mean to you? There's meaning behind our Halloween costumes, so why not find meaning behind all of your experiences? How will they contribute to your dream profession? Only you can answer these questions! By finding meaning in your career experiences you will be one step closer to becoming a seasoned professional; wherever your career path takes you, you will be prepared for what lies ahead.

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