Wednesday, May 8, 2019

What Time Is it? SUMMER TIME! (Almost)

The semester is almost over! The textbooks will soon be closed (and sold back to the bookstore), your Hofstra ID will be tucked away in a drawer, and you won't have to set your alarm clock.

So then what??

Maybe you have plans for the summer, which can include trips, a class or two, a part-time job or an internship. Whatever your plans, there are many ways that you can jump-start your career or job search during the summer, and some take very little time! See how many of these you can check-off this list by the end of the summer:

  • Update your LinkedIn profile. It’s never too early (or too late) to do this. Complete your profile by adding special school projects, skills and honors. Search for LinkedIn groups in your field of interest and join them. Connect with your professors, anyone at your part-time job and people who you see are involved in your career field.
  • Talk to people who are in your target job or career field. Where do you find these people? Ask around, you never know who will know someone.
  • Write a draft of a resume. The career center is open all summer to help you create a resume, or fine-tune one you already have. A good place to start is our Career Guide, which can be found at
  • Volunteer! Even if it’s just a few hours over the summer, volunteering in a field of interest can give you an inside-look at that career and also provide valuable networking connections.
  • Read articles and blogs about certain careers. Start to learn as much as possible about any field you are considering.

The Career Center wishes you a wonderful summer! ☀

Darlene Johnson
Director of External Relations

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