Wednesday, October 26, 2011

OMG – I have an Interview!

Congratulations!  If you receive an interview for a job or internship that’s wonderful news!  The employer likes your resume and cover letter and they want to speak with you further to see if you are a good fit for the opening they have.   Remember the interview is the opportunity for you to sell yourself in person or over the phone to the employer and provide examples of your work from your resume. 

So how do I prepare?! 
  • Review interview questions and practice them from The Career Centers’ Career Planning Guide
  • Set up a mock interview with The Career Center and have it taped.  Employers and alumni help with practice interviews so take advantage of the time to practice before you have a real interview!!!
  • Understand who you are and use the interview to sell yourself to the employer, showing how you can make a contribution!  The more you practice the better interviewer you become.
  • Research the organization – learn as much as you can about the employer and ask questions based on your research.   One of the reasons people don’t get the second interview or the job offer is the fail to do their research.  Employers like to see candidates that understand what they do. Remember the job market is tight out there and others are competing with you for this opening! 
  • Network – talk to professionals in the field, alumni, faculty, friends, family, etc.    You can look on LinkedIn to see what alumni work for that organization and join professional groups.  People can often give you practice real advice and it’s a nice way to make connections too. 
  • Dress professionally – Remember what you wear out on the weekends to a party is NOT what you should wear to a job interview.  Make sure your cell phone is off and that you are fully engaged in the interview process. And absolutely no texting!
  • Send thank you notes to everyone you meet!  You can e-mail those thank you notes – so please remember to get a business card from everyone you meet. 
The Career Center is offering an Interview to Impress workshop on Wednesday at 11:30 am with a HR representative from Grant Thornton  accounting firm.  I welcome you to come to this program to learn more.

~Fred Burke, Executive Director, The Career Center

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