Come have your resume
and cover letter critiqued!
Monday - Thursday: 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Friday: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
To access the Pride
Career Management System simply log in to the portal and click on the Pride-CMS
icon located under "my apps" to start taking advantage of countless
internships, full- and part-time opportunities!
Pride Recruiting is the
on-campus interview program that brings first-round interviews to you!
Through Pride Recruiting, students can interview at The Career Center; it
is recommended for students in all majors. Students must attend one of
the mandatory Pride Recruiting orientations, an Interview to Impress workshop,
and a Mock Interview. Students interested in obtaining an internship should
also attend one of the Pride Recruiting orientation sessions. All sessions are
held at The Career Center. Please bring your resume, which will be critiqued
immediately following the orientation.

11 at 4 p.m.
14 at 12 p.m.
20 at 1 p.m.
24 at 4:30 p.m.
The LIREG Real Estate @Work is
accepting applications for the fall rotation. This program is
designed to give students an opportunity to be exposed to the many facets of
the real estate business as they prepare for their careers. STUDENTS
MUST be free (no classes) on Friday afternoons to make their site visits.
LIREG will have a table in the
Student center from 12-1 on Tuesday September 11, 2012.
All Zarb School of Business students
who would like to have their resumes critiqued by Hofstra Alumni may
September 12th, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at The Career Center
to think about life after college? Getting a job? Negotiating
salary? Finding an apartment? Learning to cook? Managing a budget
and debt? Senior Seminars are for you! Senior Seminars are
monthly workshops that will help you transition from college to “real
life.” There are approximately 7 sessions offered throughout the year
during which facilitators will touch upon these topics and more! Our goal
is to make sure you are as prepared as possible for life after Hofstra!
Come to as many sessions as you can and each time your name will be entered for
the chance to win Hofstra Senior Week tickets, a Hofstra diploma frame, or
other great prizes!

Come to the Backpack to Briefcase Opening Reception on Thursday September 13th, 6:15pm in Plaza Room West, Mack Student Center
the secrets of successful interviews! This workshop highlights the formats and
stages of the interview process. A professional career counselor covers
specific strategies for effective interviewing in many situations, including
on-campus interviews. This workshop is mandatory for all Pride Recruiting
September 13th, 4:00 p.m. at The Career Center
Represent Hofstra as this year's
King and Queen by applying to be on the 2012 Fall Festival Court! Applications are attached or found at
Court applications are due in OSLA (SC 260) by Friday September 14th at 5pm
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