Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How To Make the Most of a Career Fair

For those of you who don’t know, and those who may have forgotten, today is The Career Center Fall Job and Internship Fair.  This is a GREAT opportunity for you to meet employers face-to-face and ask about their job and internship opportunities.

Employers from many industries will be there and they have come to meet YOU.  Yes, that’s right, YOU!!  Over the years I have heard many reasons (excuses) as to why students do not attend career fairs.  I would like to address those concerns here.

1.     The employers there are only looking for salespeople.
Not true.  Yes, there are always going to be a fair amount of sales opportunities. Think about it, pretty much every company uses sales staff in one way or another.  However, there are plenty of opportunities in other areas as well. Please see the list of companies that are attending at
2.     I am not graduating yet so there is no need for me to go. 
Not true!  Many of our employers are looking to hire interns or volunteer workers.  This is a terrific opportunity for you to gain work experience that is related to your major and career goal while you are still a student. 
3.     I don’t have a resume. 
Well, that one is a problem; you do need a resume for the career fair.  It would have been a good idea to visit the career center and have someone work on your resume with you.  However, we have a wonderful Career Planning Handbook with lots of fantastic resume samples.  Click on this link and get cracking!
4.     I don’t have anything to wear.  
Yes, you do need to dress professionally for a career fair, but chances are you do have something appropriate in your closet, or on the floor, that would do.  Just be sure to iron it first.
5.     There is nothing in my major/industry. 
While we try our best, we cannot always accommodate every single major at every single career fair.  But you should always take the opportunity to come and meet with employers.  You never know what they may have for you. Even accounting firms have marketing people, even hospitals have graphic designers.  And at the very least, you are making connections with people.

See you there!

Darlene Johnson, Senior Associate Director

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