Friday, May 10, 2013

Career Services for Alumni

I just met with a student about to graduate.  As we were going over her resume she asked if The Career Center staff meets with alumni for job search assistance. When I said that we do, she mentioned that another student had told her that we don’t. GASP! Who is spreading these vicious lies about The Career Center?!

Of course we meet with alumni.  Your career search and career development do not stop once you graduate from Hofstra. The reality is that it may take time for graduates to find a suitable job.  They may decide to change their career direction, or reformat their resume to highlight different experiences and skills.  Once out in the “real world”, new experiences and opportunities may encourage them to explore other career options that they may want to discuss with a career counselor.

So, remember that The Career Center is here for you, whether you are a current student or alumni of Hofstra.  
Darlene Johnson, Senior Associate Director 

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