Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Survey at Cap and Gown Pick up – One you have to take!

Some of you may have recently been hearing the phrase “return on investment” as it relates to your college expenses and employment success after graduation.  Some believe that college does not prepare you for a job after graduation.  Others say the purpose of college is to educate; not train you for one particular job. 

This blog entry is not meant to enter that discussion, although I believe you all should read about it – a recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education explains it well.  What this blog entry is intended for is to let you know that we are evaluated - you as students, you as new entries into the workforce, and Hofstra University as an educational institution.  How well did you do after graduation, how much debt did you incur, how long did it take you to graduate, and how well did we do educating and preparing you as an institution? 

In order to assess this, you will be taking a brief survey at the Cap and Gown Pick Up area this week.  This will take only a few short minutes and allows us to get your employment and/or graduate school plans for after graduation.  This data is rolled up in aggregate.  We are able to slice and dice it so that we can report on your success to national accreditation institutions, national publications, and eventually it will go to the government.  In the end it makes your Hofstra degree more valuable – the more and better data we get from you, the more sought out you are by employers. 

Your success raises the return on investment you and/or your parents made on your college education.  So, pick up your cap and gown, say hello to The Career Center staff, and have a seat at one of our computers to take a brief survey.

Suzanne Dagger,  Director of Career Services

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