Friday, October 10, 2014

How to Land an Internship with Goldman Sachs in 3 Steps!

Are you a sophomore or junior Hofstra student interested in investment banking, securities, investment management, or financial services? Well then Goldman Sachs may be the corporation for you…and they are currently seeking interns for Summer 2015!

Recipients of multiple awards in Business, Employer of Choice, Diversity, and Environmental, Social, and Governance, Goldman Sachs seeks to make an impact and provide opportunities for summer internships for all interested students of any major.

So here’s how you land that summer internship at Goldman Sachs:

1) First, view their virtual information sessions. 
Goldman Sachs gives you all the info you need to learn how to apply and to ace the interview in these information sessions.  They are sharing their secrets and all you need to do is use this link to view these sessions from the comfort of your own computer.  You can even watch the sessions that have already passed, so there is some time to catch up!

2) Second, complete your application online by October 19th.
Obviously for a company like Goldman Sachs, an application and a resume is required. The secret to completing a flawless application and resume is noted through the webinar series (see above)! Of course, Hofstra students are encouraged to stop in during Quick Question hours/make an appointment at the Career Center to get their resume critiqued.           

3) Third, do a mock interview with us. 
If you are chosen for an interview, don’t be caught off guard.  Come practice with us in the meantime to brush up on your skills.  Schedule an appointment with a counselor online after you complete your application so you’re ready to roll when they call.   

If you need extra tips, read their Application FAQs and Checklist here.  

What are you waiting for?  Go show Goldman Sachs the talent that Hofstra has to offer!  Go Pride!

Deanna Rodin, Associate Director

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