General On-Campus Recruiting:
On-Campus Recruiting are opportunities brought right to the Hofstra campus! Employers post job and internship opportunities that students are eligible to apply to; and if selected, first-round interviews occur right on campus at the Career Center. All positions are listed on PrideCMS and require resume submission by the respective application deadlines listed below:
MacKay Shields: Wednesday, February 11th at 11:59 PM
OCR Position for 2015 Summer Internship Program. See PrideCMS listing for desired majors and degrees.
Ernst and Young LLP: Friday, February 13th at 11:59 PM
OCR Position for Emerging Leaders Program. See listing for desired majors, class year, and degrees.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP: Monday, February 16th at 11:59 PM
OCR Position for Elevate: PwC's Leadership Program for Summer 2015, Start IFS Summer Intern 2015, and Winter 2016 Tax Intern position. See each listing for desired majors, class year, and degrees.
McAdam Financial Group: Thursday, February 20th at 11:59 PM
OCR Position for full-time Financial Advisor. See listing for desired major and degrees.
Spring Kick Off
Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 11-1PM, Mack Student Center Atrium
Kick off Spring Semester with the Career Center! Stop by our table to meet the staff, grab some FREE Starbucks coffee, snacks and give-a-ways, and book an appointment on the spot to prepare for your job and internship search!

Risk Management Association Shadowing Program
Application Deadline: February 11, 2015
Undergraduate Junior and Seniors who are interested in a career in banking have the opportunity to participate in the Shadowing program sponsored by RMA in partnership with the Career Center. Includes the following topics:
Commercial Lending; SBA; Real Estate; Cash Management; Consumer Lending; Residential Mortgage; FICO scores; Credit Reports; Home Equity Loans; Retail; Government Banking and Personal Wealth Management.
Site Visits to: Bridgehampton National Bank, Peoples United Bank, TD Bank, Citibank, Friedman LLP, Certilman Balin
Students must submit a resume and an essay regarding interest in commercial banking by the deadline listed above. A total of six students will be selected. If desired, 1 credit can be obtained through registration in Finance174.
Stand Out and Get an Internship: Zarb Series
Wednesday, February 11, 2015, Common Hour (11:15-12:30), Career Center
Open to Zarb students only. Learn how to build your “personal brand” from students who have succeeded in getting internships, to stand out in the application process yourself! Topics include: LinkedIn and social media, networking, business etiquette, interviewing, and resume tips. Food and beverages will be served!

The Washington Center Information Session
Wednesday, February 11, 2015, Common Hour (11:15-12:30), Barnard 201
For over 35 years, The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars has helped more than 50,000 students from around the world gain valuable experience, and set them on a course of achievement, leadership and engagement in their communities. In a recent survey, 98% of TWC interns said the program significantly strengthened their career prospects. Now, their alumni are leaders in virtually every field -- public service, journalism, business, law, medicine, education, and more. If you are interested in learning what this program has to offer, come to this information session open to all students.
Save the Date!
Grant Thornton Visit
Tuesday, February 17, 2015, 11-2PM, Grant Thornton Manhattan Location
Are you looking to get your foot into the business door? Grant Thornton LLP, one of the world’s leading organizations of independent audit, tax and advisory firms, is looking to help you gain that exposure! Join Grant Thornton representatives on a visit to their Manhattan location to gain an overview of the firm, shadow a Grant Thornton employee, and explore what opportunities are available to you. First-year students/Sophomores of any business major and Junior/Senior Accounting students are invited to attend. Space is limited to 40 students. Transportation and lunch will be provided.
What Can You Do with a Zarb Major? Find Your Career Path Before You Graduate: Zarb Series
Wednesday, February 18, 2015, Common Hour (11:15-12:30), Career Center
Open to Zarb Students only. A panel featuring professionals and students will discuss what career fields you can qualify for based on your Zarb major, and give tips on which internships are the best fit based on your goals. Food and beverages will be served!
Spring Career Fair
Wednesday, March 11, 2015, 11-2PM, Mack Sports and Exhibition

Looking for a full-time, part-time, summer, or internship position?
The Career Center's Spring Career Fair is open to all Hofstra students of any major and class level. Students are encouraged to attend in order to meet with employers from multiple industries who are looking to hire for a variety of positions. Professional dress is required. A professional photographer will be available to take LinkedIn profile pictures. Please bring copies of your resume. Students may attend the Career Center's Quick Question Hours any day prior to the fair for a resume review or for tips on how to make the most our of your fair attendance!
The Career Center's Spring Career Fair is open to all Hofstra students of any major and class level. Students are encouraged to attend in order to meet with employers from multiple industries who are looking to hire for a variety of positions. Professional dress is required. A professional photographer will be available to take LinkedIn profile pictures. Please bring copies of your resume. Students may attend the Career Center's Quick Question Hours any day prior to the fair for a resume review or for tips on how to make the most our of your fair attendance!
PRIDE Shadowing Program
Application Deadline: Monday, March 16, 2015 on PrideCMS
Etiquette Dinner

Thursday, March 19, 2015, 6PM, University Club
Join us for a unique dining event with a three-course dinner and an interactive seminar facilitated by a certified etiquette trainer. Participants will learn how to properly conduct themselves on
interviews and meetings in a formal dining atmosphere, and learn
proper networking and conversation etiquette. There is a $10 fee, which includes the seminar and three-course meal. Space is limited; Fee/RSVP can be submitted to The Career Center to reserve your seat.
interviews and meetings in a formal dining atmosphere, and learn
proper networking and conversation etiquette. There is a $10 fee, which includes the seminar and three-course meal. Space is limited; Fee/RSVP can be submitted to The Career Center to reserve your seat.
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