Monday, May 18, 2015

Helping Others While Helping Yourself

Recently, students interested in the various areas of criminology had the opportunity to participate in a brand-new program with The Career Center, our Afternoon of Service.

Those of us in The Career Center have noticed that students are more eager than ever to give back to the Hofstra community.  In fact, social responsibility is rising among attractive characteristics of perspective employers.  At the same time, companies are recognizing that their employees want these opportunities as well. So, The Career Center created a way for both students and employers to achieve this goal, while also giving our students a way to engage and network with employers in their field of interest.

We were honored to have representatives from government, forensic accounting, social justice and banking join us first for lunch in The Career Center. During this time, the professionals were able to share their experiences and answer questions from students. Then, it was off to the Mary Brennan INN. The INN (Interfaith Nutrition Network) addresses the issues of hunger and homelessness on Long Island by providing food, shelter, long-term housing, and supportive services for those in need.

We took a tour of the facility, and then got to work. Some of us were stocking shelves in the pantry, while others sorted and coordinated clothing donations.  Students worked side-by-side with professionals, who talked about their daily jobs. They also gave valuable career development advice and tips.

At the end of the afternoon, students had a wealth of information, valuable networking contacts, and the satisfaction that they helped a great cause.  The Career Center looks forward to planning more of these events in the coming semesters. For more information, please contact us at 516-463-6060 or stop in to M. Robert Lowe Hall on the south side of campus.

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