Thursday, September 3, 2015

Connect with The Career Center: Lorraine Massiah

1. What is your role at the Career Center?
I am one of the Assistant Directors at the Career Center, but I specifically am the liaison to the school of Education and School of Health Professions and Human Services.

2. What did you study in school OR what was your favorite class when you were in school?
When I was an undergraduate student, I studied community health education.

3. Where is your favorite spot on campus?
My favorite spots on campus are Au Bon Pain and the Fitness Center!

4. What is your favorite season and why?
Summer is my favorite season because it's warm and it's a great time for vacation!

5. What message do you have for the incoming class of 2019/returning Hofstra students as they begin their new school year?
Internships are a really great opportunity to take advantage of while you're completing your degree. It gives you an opportunity to strengthen your resume, learn about various industries, and network! So, if you're interested in finding an internship, or are just looking for a friendly face, come by and see us!

Lorraine Massiah, Assistant Director

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