Tuesday, April 14, 2020

It's All "Fair" Game Now

With our social-distancing lifestyles in full effect at this point, it is important to leverage the good that comes with this new normal. The bulk of companies have moved into the “work from home” model, and the office is starting to look a lot like your kitchen table. How, you might ask, could this be a good thing?

Remote employment gives you the opportunity to apply for jobs that may not have been within your prior scope with regard to locational boundaries. For instance, let’s say your dream is to work in the corporate office of your favorite makeup company that happens to be located across the country. As someone who is graduating or just looking for a summer internship, that type of move might not have been realistic- until now! You may be able to land that experience from your very own couch.

You might also take this time to apply for positions that might not have been on your radar before but are needed in today’s workforce. Leverage remote opportunities that are being offered by companies that are functioning in an essential capacity.

What better way to find these opportunities than at the upcoming Virtual Career Fair? Employers will be from various industries and will be seeking to fill full-time, part-time and internship positions. Pre-registration is necessary at www.careereco.com/events/hofstra, where you can find more information including a list of participating companies. The Virtual Career & Internship Fair is Wednesday, April 15th from 10am - 2pm EST.

This event is not bound to a given location, making all opportunities “fair” game! Find the registration link through Handshake now!

Sabrina Iaria
Career Advisor

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