Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hot, Hot, Hot

It feels like overnight we have hit the spring.  The trees are blooming, the weather is changing and the student body is buzzing with the anticipation for summer.  As the weather is getting hotter students should start thinking about what their summer plans will look like.  Sitting on the beach with a blue drink in the sun is nice, and definitely needed, after a long semester but is a summer of fun going to benefit you in the long run?

Analysts are projecting that we are going to have a HOT summer.  During the summer, between your beach endeavors, students should think about internship.  Internships are the key to help you develop your aspirations and career objectives. Even better, internships are usually a little flexible and leave you some time to apply your sunscreen and hit the waves.  So as your thinking about how to spend your summer think about the HOT, HOT, HOT internships on the Pride-CMS system and fit one in, between trips to the shore. 

~Joseph Gebbie, Assistant Director

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